Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Pink October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The Pink October is an international movement of mobilization against breast cancer that appeared in the United States. Since then, actions have been carried out all over the world with the objective of making people aware of breast cancer prevention through early diagnosis and immediate treatment, preventing deaths from the disease.

Breast cancer is the most common type of tumor among women worldwide, and also in Brazil. It corresponds to about 29.7% of the total of new cases each year . Despite being rare, the disease can also affect men, cases represent 1% of the total disease.

Estimated new cases for 2020: 66,280 *

Demystifying breast cancer is essential to fight it: in recent years, the disease's mortality rate has fallen by more than 40%, and early diagnosis was essential for this .

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent the appearance of breast cancer in an absolute way. Therefore, early diagnosis of the disease is essential. The earlier it is diagnosed, the greater the chances of successful treatment. The purpose of routine diagnostic tests is to find it even before it causes symptoms. The size of the tumor and its aggressiveness are important factors to define the best medical approach for the adequate treatment, decisively influencing the cure.

To reduce the chance of developing any type of cancer, including breast cancer, it is necessary to take some precautions and maintain a life with healthy habits. Stay tuned for the tips below:

  • Weight control
  • practice physical activity
  • Avoid abusing alcoholic beverages
  • Avoid using hormones for a long time
  • Do not smoke
  • When you have children, breastfeed for a long period.
  • Drink a lot of water

Breast cancer doesn't hurt. Look out for signs and symptoms:

  • breast lump
  • Swelling in part of the breast similar to orange peel
  • Irregularities or retractions in the skin of the breast
  • Nipple pain or inversion
  • Redness and scaling of the nipple, or on the skin of the breast
  • Secretion output from the nipple, particularly if it is bloody or translucent 
  • nodule in the armpits

Women without changes in the clinical breast exam may have changes detected in routine mammography, hence the importance of annual medical follow-up. The ideal age for having the first mammogram is 40 years old, and thereafter every year. Women who have a family history of breast cancer should talk to their doctor and start screening for prevention as soon as possible.

Self-esteem and Breast Cancer

The physical changes caused by breast cancer treatment can have a big impact on how patients feel about themselves. It's common to become less self-confident and worry about how others will see you.

Hair loss is one of the main side effects of those who fight the disease. But that doesn't mean that a woman should feel less beautiful. Many choose to display a shaved head as a way to identify themselves as a breast cancer survivor. But for those who prefer to cover their heads, there are options available for all tastes, styles and personalities: wigs, colorful scarves and hats.

In more aggressive cases, in addition to dealing with the diagnosis, the woman needs to face the shock of having to remove the breast. It's a very difficult stage. It is shocking for women, some refuse to look in the mirror, until they can understand that there is a possibility of breast reconstruction or acceptance of their new appearance.

Elevating self-esteem makes women make positive choices for themselves. Women start to value issues that they did not value before, they start to see life in a different way, and their security comes with greater intensity, from a winner.

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